Twofo is 10!!
August 7th, 2014Posted by astropoint Filed under twofo

Welcome (back)
September 30th, 2013Posted by astropoint Filed under twofo

Twofo DC++ download link
New users to twofo will want to start by downloading the preconfigured DC++ client for twofo from This DC++ comes preconfigured with a lot of settings which are helpful for twofo on campus, as well as the required stunnel program for connecting to the hub. This is for Windows only, mac and linux users (and windows people wanting to learn a bit more) can find connection instructions at the twofo wiki
Older users may find that DC++ is asking you to upgrade your client. Doing so with the client from the DC++ website is fine, but it will overwrite any of the settings you had before. To keep the settings you already have you need to download the zip file from Extract the files and overwrite the ones in your current DC++ directory
Twofo is now into its 8th year running and 6th as the main campus DC++ hub. Any student past or present of the University is welcome to connect or come to the socials later on in the term and year.
It should be said however that using twofo is against the Resnet AUP. ITS have in the past (although a very long time ago now though) disconnected users for being on the hub so you are using the hub at your own risk unfortunately. To minimise this you should try to follow the guides to blocking external connections to DC++ on the wiki.
If you have any more questions, and can't get onto the hub to ask, feel free to ask on the twofo forums
See you all on the hub!
Twofo Social 24 (BBQ)
June 17th, 2013Posted by astropoint Filed under twofo
The final twofo social of the year will take place on the weekend of 21st and 22nd June. Plans for this are much the same as they have been before, and are detailed below.
Friday Social (21st June) - Leamington Spa 8pm
The Friday social will be in Leamington, starting off at the Benjamin Satchwell Wetherspoons half way down the parade at 8pm. From there we may, or may not, wander around Leam sampling the local drinking establishments as the weather permits. A hotline number will be provided on the night to guide lost twofoers to our company.
Saturday Social (22nd June) - Main Campus 5pm
Weather depending two things may happen.
Option 1 - BBQ!
If the weather looks good enough, we shall be attempting a BBQ most likely at one of the main BBQ sites round the back of Arthur Vick/Tocil. I do not foresee any problems getting a site at that time of year given it is still technically before the end of the exam period. Anybody wishing to help set up should contact one of us to arrange a time beforehand to do so.
We shall be at one of the BBQ sites around the back of Tocil, come and find us or ring the above number and we can direct you. We may relocate to the duck later on if the weather stays fowl.
Option 2 - Fusion Bar/The Duck
If the weather stays British, then we shall abandon the flamed food and relocate to one of the bars on campus. This will involve meeting up at Fusion bar initially and then most likely moving onto the Dirty Duck a little bit later in the evening.
Anybody and everybody is more than welcome to come along to one or both of the socials. Again, a hotline number will be provided on the day to help people to find us if we have vanished off again somewhere. Hope to see you there!
DC++ v0.811
May 2nd, 2013Posted by astropoint Filed under twofo
Just a note on the new(er) versions of DC++ out there, to stop it bugging you to upgrade. The new version is perfectly fine to use on twofo, but if you have previously installed the preconfigured twofo version of DC++ then you will want to get the compressed version of DC++ available at
Extract the files in the zip archive and overwrite the files in your current DC++ directory. If you get the installer from the DC++ website you may end up losing all your current settings and having to rehash everything.
In either case you will most likely have to recreate any firewall rules you have in place so get your firewall checked again if you have had it set up previously.
Any new users to twofo are of course still more than welcome to get the preconfigured twofo client (which has been updated to the new version) from
If you need help with anything do feel free to ask either on the hub or on the forums at
Twofo Social - 8th/9th March
March 8th, 2013Posted by astropoint Filed under twofo
Our second twofo social of the year is planned for the end of this week (Week 9/Friday 8th March & Saturday 9th March).
Friday 8th March - Leamington Spa - 8pm
Our jolly jaunt begins in Weatherspoons in Leamington from around 8pm.
Saturday 9th March - Campus - 5/6pm
The campus social will start at around 6pm in Rootes bar on campus on the Saturday. Look for the twofo posters. Later on, we shall be moving up to the Dirty Duck as likely as not, or some people may veer off to Crash in the Union if it looks interesting enough.
Anybody is welcome to come along and say hello/put names to faces. The more the merrier!
Twofo Social
November 26th, 2012Posted by astropoint Filed under twofo
The first twofo social of the year is planned for the end of this week (Week 9/Friday 30th November & Saturday 1st December). The plan for the social is our standard bar trip plan, but for anybody that doesn't know, see below.
Friday 30th November - Leamington Spa - 8pm
Our jolly jaunt begins in Weatherspoons in Leamington from around 8pm. From there we may, or may not, venture out to other bars in Leam as the mood takes us.
Saturday 1st December - Campus - 5/6pm
The campus social will start between 5 and 6pm in Rootes bar on campus on the Saturday. Look for the twofo posters (assuming we have remembered them), or to go by previous socials, look for the only group of people in Rootes bar on a Saturday. Later on, we shall be moving up to the Dirty Duck as likely as not, or some people may veer off into the Union if it looks interesting enough.
Anybody is welcome to come along and say hello/put names to faces. The more the merrier!
Welcome back one and all
September 29th, 2012Posted by astropoint Filed under twofo

New users start here
Anybody entirely new to twofo will want to stat by downloading the twofo preconfigured DC++ client from This is just the normal DC++ client with a few settings already set to make life on campus easier, and with the address for twofo already saved. Simply download the .exe file, run it and it will extract DC++, along with stunnel and a page detailing what you need to do.
If you are using a Mac or Linux, then there is no preconfigured client I am afraid. However, there are detailed instructions on setting up clients for your systems on the twofo wiki at
Returning Users
If anybody is returning to campus with an old DC++ install and wants to update their version of DC to the latest (if only to stop it nagging you) then you can download the update zip file from DC++ v0.801 zip . Extract the files in the zip archive and overwrite the files in your current DC++ directory. If you get the installer from the DC++ website you may end up losing all your current settings and having to rehash everything.
If anybody has any issues at all, you are welcome to join the twofo forums if you are unable to get onto the hub in the first place, or if you can connect simply come on and ask. There is of course always the wiki for help with more common issues as well.
Happy sharing
Twofo Social 21 (BBQ) - (Now over)
June 7th, 2012Posted by astropoint Filed under twofo
The final twofo social of the year is a little bit earlier than normal. Due to the unavailability of a fairly significant number of people we have moved it back a week to the weekend after week 8, which is the 15th/16h June. Plans are otherwise much the same as normal as follows.
Friday Social (15th June) - Leamington Spa 8pm
The Friday social will be in Leamington, starting off at the Benjamin Satchwell Wetherspoons half way down the parade at 8pm. From there we may, or may not, wander around Leam sampling the local drinking establishments as the weather permits. A hotline number will be provided on the night to guide lost twofoers to our company.
Saturday Social (16th June) - Main Campus 5pm
Weather depending two things may happen.
Option 1 - BBQ!
If the weather looks good enough, we shall be attempting a BBQ most likely at one of the main BBQ sites round the back of Arthur Vick/Tocil. I do not foresee any problems getting a site at that time of year given it is still technically before the end of the exam period. Anybody wishing to help set up should contact one of us to arrange a time beforehand to do so.
We shall be at one of the BBQ sites around the back of Tocil, come and find us or ring the above number and we can direct you. We may relocate to the duck later on if the weather stays foul.
Option 2 - Fusion Bar/The Duck
If the weather stays British, then we shall abandon the flamed food and relocate to one of the bars on campus. This will involve meeting up at Fusion bar initially and then most likely moving onto the Dirty Duck a little bit later in the evening.
Anybody and everybody is more than welcome to come along to one or both of the socials. A hotline number will be provided on the day to help people to find us if we have vanished off again somewhere. Hope to see you there!