Twofo Bots

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When you first enter twofo, you will be greeted by your friendly hub bot, named Dogtanian. He watches over the hub in peace making sure the rules are obeyed and supplying endless amounts of fun to those who know the true meaning of boredom whilst avoiding work

General Hub Information

If a command has [get] in front of it, this means that the command will work with and without get ie. -rules and -getrules will bring up the same information. However, typing -[get]rules in the chat window will likely cause Dogtanian a severe amount of mental anguish and he may insult you.

Command Description
-commands Brings up a short list of the commands available to you with a brief description of what each one does
-[get]rules Displays the Rules list for the hub
-[get]status Displays some basic stats about the hub. Max users, runtime etc
-[get]minshare Shows the minimum share needed to connect to the hub at present
-[get]ip Shows your current IP. Note: No use if using stunnel, please go to instead
-[get]info <nick> Displays whether a specific user is on or off campus and whether theya re in active or passive mode
-forum Displays a link to the twofo forums
-stats Displays a link to the twofo chat stats

So far all of the commands will work 100% of the time on the hub, assuming something hasn't gone massively wrong with the hub, and you haven't been specifically banned for some reason best known to yourself.
The following commands have been deemed to be too annoying when used in excess (you know who you are), and so can only be used if Dogtanian is awake. The dog can only be awakened by the act of an op either gently waking it or force feeding it copious amounts of coffee. the long term effects of coffee on DC++ bots is an ongoing study.
Remember though that if you are constantly using the dog (whole pages of jsut you talking to a dog is quite ugly), you run the risk of being kicked and almost guarantee that the dog will be sent to bed, either gently or with the thus far mysterious -stfu command. Guesses on a postcard for what this could mean please, we're really quite stumped.

User Information

Command Description
-tell <nick> <msg> Using this, a person can ask the dog to store a message for another user that will be sent either when (s)he next signs onto the hub, or if they are online already, the next time they say something in main chat.
For instance '-tell astropoint Hi, I've just downloaded several hundred gigabytes of Star Trek and was wondering if you wanted to come and do a marathon Trek week with me
-seen <nick> The Dog will inform you of the last line spoken in main chat by the specific user. This only works for people who have said something in main chat, it DOES NOT tell you the last time somebody connected to the hub. For example
'-seen itsmonktastic
<Dogtanian> itsmonktastic was last seen on <Date and Time> saying: I'm off to do that work I should have started 3 months ago. ARGH! EXAMS!!'

Fun Stuff

Again, all of these commands will only work for you if the Dog is awake, and feeling friendly.

Command Description
-flipacoin <foo> Essential for all life changing decisions. For instance, you wake up in the morning and find yourself 5 mins late for a lecture, do you rush there to enjoy as much of the fulfilling learning experience you went to university for as possible, or do you roll over and go back to sleep. '-flipacoin Lecture or Sleep' will tell you what the dog thinks of your predicament.
Also note that the Dog's coins are almost infinitely sided, and so can be used to pose such complex philosophical questions as '-flipacoin Lecture or Sleep or have breakfast' and many more.
NB. Dogtanian cannot be held responsible for any adverse affect he has upon your degree.
-8ball <foo> Magic 8 ball!!! Dogtanian certainly loves to be helpful in your day to day life. here he replaces the need to go out and buy a Magic 8-ball to answer those questions that cannot be solved by merely flipping a coin.
'-8ball Will I be happy if I go and join the Trek marathon?
<Dogtanian> Signs Point to Yes'
-ddate For those of you who feel the Gregorian Calender is simply too boring for modern life, here is the solution, the Discordian Date. Amaze your friends and psychiatrists with your intimate knowledge of this rare method of tracking the year.
All one word
Nobody is entirely sure what BigG was smoking the day he invented this command, but here is an attempt at an explanation of it.
1. Arrange the user list by share size and take a note of your share.
2. Starting from the bottom, sum up the share sizes of the users online until you go past your total share.
3. Count the number of users this took, devide by the total number of users on the hub (ignoring the bots) and you have the answer.
I am sure I can say from everybody that we wish BigG well in his recovery and that one day he will be able to return to society as a normal functional member.