Bizarre graphics card problem

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Bizarre graphics card problem

Post by cocodude »

Can someone help me figure out this graphics card problem:

I have tried three graphics cards in my PCI-E system: An nVidia 6200, a 6600 and a 7600 GS. The 6200 works fine. The 6600 and the 7600 GS both only work in a non-accelerated mode (i.e. not with the nVidia drivers but nv or Windows' inbuilt ones). The 6600 used to work but randomly stopped working.

What's the solution? It's really annoying me :-(

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Post by Zeus »

dont work? as in computer crashes?

most likely the PSU isnt sufficient, trust me the 6600GT needs 500W MINIMUM, any graphics card higher will need more. bla bla bla you people bitch all you want with "but manual says 350W min..." or "my system is fine..." well shit on me lucky you... i upgraded from 400W to 500W and magically.... my computer hasnt died in like 2 weeks from gaming Oblivion with the gfx card overclocked ( i couldnt even run a gfx tester for 1 minute without the pc dying)

if its not lock-ups where only a swift kick and pressing the restart button works........ then drivers?

the obvious causes problems that comes from gfx cards will be overheating (which it isnt in this case), or simply the PSU... if neither then its likely to be driver problems... if *that* doesnt help....... well ur screwed and go to a PC shop... if that even exists in Milton Keynes.,.... i mean Curry's suck like fuck... and PcWorld rape u gleefully with wasabi for lube... wow thats a good one... yeah toodleedoo for now
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Post by cocodude »

Thanks for the reply, Zeus. I'm thinking the most likely thing now is the PSU. It's only 380W (but a good 380W though). It's a normal 6600 that didn't work (as well as my 7600 GS) and doesn't output a signal at all when going into an accelerated mode.

I'll see if I can nab a PSU from someone.


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Post by cocodude »

I've found the solution, and it's not one that you'd expect!

My card is a dual DVI one, and I was using a DVI -> VGA cable from the graphics card. This didn't work in an accelerated mode. By switching over to a proper DVI-D -> DVI-D cable, it works as expected.

Who'd have thought a monitor cable could make all this difference? I still don't really get why this is the case and it's surprised a few people.

Thanks all for your help though.

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