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My trip to ITS!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:37 pm
by voodoo3300
<JF123> right folks i had a meeting today with the head of ITS and the network manager
<Zeus> if its less than 0.25 u deserve a kick in the nads
<Zeus> congratulations to you
<JF123> it was shite mate
<yoinkster> what went down
<JF123> they are indeed retards
<Mads> whatd they say?
<yoinkster> is that all u can tell us :|
<yoinkster> :\*
<JF123> hang on
<JF123> there policy is basically anything they deem to be p2p is going to be blocked
<JF123> i did try to explain to them that dc++ only uses internal bandwidth and very little uplink but they wouldnt have it
<JF123> they also are going to block our roundabout methods of accessing it
<Mads> they ban skype as well>
<Mads> i've been getting 4 second lag type things
<Cocodude> They can never ban *all* roundabout methods
<yoinkster> fucking hell
<Cocodude> Sounds like this is war!
<Cocodude> JF: Post this on the forum if you could
<JF123> in addition the traffic shaper is going to have a script put on so that if it detects a user bursting through the 2.5mbs per subnet limit it will ban you automatically
<Mads> the reason why ppl on campus don't complain is something like no confidence :S
<Cocodude> So if you happen to download something quickly, then you're stuffed?!
<Mads> we all need the internet to do work and stuff :S
<JF123> in addition they are talking about having a vlan for all the high bandwidth users
<Mads> afraid it'll be cut off
<yoinkster> well u can limit ur own upload bandwidth with certain clients ;)
<JF123> i asked them how they will prove you are doing what you are doing and there response was they dont have to
<yoinkster> of course they do
<yoinkster> thats like putting jacko in jail
<yoinkster> everyone knows he did it but no-one can prove it
<yoinkster> hence innocent
<Cocodude> It actually sounds like they're abusing their monopoly position
<JF123> indeed you can yoinkster, but 2.5mb between 250 users is going to be a pretty pissy bit of bandwidth for you to limit to
<Zeus> no..... a single user can limit his own upload
<Zeus> ie like me and yoink
<Zeus> we have shpeshial clients
<JF123> he tried to say i didnt know what i was talking about by talking shite, but i did remind him i was a technician as my job
<JF123> they were both twats basically
<Cocodude> JF: Can you post this on the forum? I'm sure it'll raise some interesting discussions
<JF123> the IT manager is incompetent, and he is very coy; he wouldnt even tell me what make the switches were
<JF123> i can when i get chance coco
<Cocodude> Thanks JF
<Cocodude> I bet they're just Cisco switches are are vulnerable to certain types of attacks
<Mads> incompetent and coy? i can think of worse words :S
<Zeus> i could just go and frag his office.
<JF123> he kept saying he didnt want to release details of the network
<JF123> i eventually got it they are extreme networks switches
<Zeus> a little bit of this, a little bit of that.. a little bit of metal catalyst, stopper, throw and run away
<JF123> he also admitted currently there is no traffic gathering during the night, the device that will do this isnt online yet
<Mads> oooh interesting
<JF123> plus, he didnt like it when i asked if the traffic shaper was just a linux server.. he went a bit red
<JF123> i said they should have a proper device to do it, like an elacoya
<JF123> i also asked if we will get an SLA from them, and they said no, as our contract is technically with warwick accom
<Mads> lol zeus
<JF123> then ITS is contracted by accom
<Zeus> well tht explains everything
<JF123> oh... they told me i was very lucky to see them!! oh wow i got to see two incompetent twats ion ITS
<Zeus> warwick accomodation are cheap cunts who just wanna make money
<Cocodude> JF: That's interesting - it sounds as though it's fair for people to pay £22/month less to Warwick Accommodation because of the internet service.
<Mads> hmm i wouldnt'mind doing that the state the internet is in :S
<JF123> indeed
<Cocodude> You really shuold seriously consider it
<JF123> they also said they dont know why the network is so inconsistent especially when hardly anyone is using DC++
<Zeus> what killing the head of ITS
<JF123> this really needs to be publicised more
<Mads> it's nto that
<Mads> it's just the ppl on campus
<Mads> don't really have the technical knowledge
<JF123> i would write an article for the boar if someone would help
<JF123> it could also go to union referrender if we cang et 80 people
<Cocodude> JF: That's just what we need. Feel free to plug the site! :)
<JF123> they also said that the rules on no p2p are set by the uni not them, and so they have to enfore it
<JF123> but they couldnt tell me why they allowed it for two weeks
<JF123> and they said they dont know why kazaa etc is still getting through when it is in the firewall scripts to stop it
<JF123> if anyone would like to help in this matter msn me at ********
<Cocodude> I hope they understand that they're pushing for anonymous p2p
<JF123> i warned them of this about encrypted, and they said anything that takes up a lot of bandwidth will be blocked!
<Cocodude> JF: If you PM me (on the forum) with a list of things you're attempting to gather support for, I can put it on the front page
<yoinkster> haha
<Cocodude> JF: I bet they can't do anything about internal-only traffic
<yoinkster> so playing games is not allowed then
<JF123> so here is their formula at the mo; 250 users sharing 2.5mbits of bandwidth
<JF123> with no burst out of that
<Cocodude> Genius!
<JF123> so 0.01mbit s each!
<yoinkster> thats one sweet deal
<JF123> and if you burst that you are going to get kicked by the shaper
<Mads> oh yay for 22
<Cocodude> Don't you dare visit <gasp> websites!
<Mads> i got more then that for 17.5!!
<Mads> :S
<Mads> INCLUDING a landline
<JF123> i also made the cost point and they didnt agree
<Cocodude> How can they not agree??
<BigG> [20:24] <JF123> they also said they dont know why the network is so inconsistent especially when hardly anyone is using DC++ <- I know the reason...

<yoinkster> cos they suck
<Cocodude> They're a bunch of cowboys really
<JF123> indeed
<BigG> It's because it isn't DC++ that is causing the problem in the first place you FUCKTARDS!
<JF123> it pissed me off so much when he was asking me about my tech job... the woman had to stop us because i was starting to lean over for him
<JF123> i said that G
<JF123> i said the internal swtiches should be able to handle it; but they were like we dont care
<JF123> they wouldnt even accept having a limited vlan to twofo
<Zeus> meh, im paying £45 a month for landline, bills and internet (tho 1mb with 30gb download a month is fair)
<BigG> BT is whoring over the network, it's harder to tell what is going where, they decide to witchhunt the DC++ users...
<Zeus> DC'ers are blaming ITS
<JF123> exactly, BT works even though the firewall is blocking it
<Zeus> ITS are blaming DC'ers
<JF123> nice one ITS
<Zeus> and both are blaming a third party at the same time....
<BigG> BT will still work with limited connectivity because of the way that it works
<Zeus> its not going newhere, these arguments lead to fucking nowhere
<JF123> they also admitted they dont quite know how RESNET works at the moment
<BigG> Well why doesn't that surprise me...
<JF123> although they assured me the SNMP is working on the switches so there arent any faults now!
<BigG> Did you mention that bandwidth caps are /not/ in the AUP and neither are download caps
<JF123> he even said to me "it's our network so we can do what we want"
<JF123> oh and he said they will change the AUP as and when they like!
<UnholySmoke> jesus
<BigG> Erm, I'm sorry... NO YOU CAN'T
<whyiseverynicktaken> hi hi
<Cocodude> Have they ever heard of the law?
<JF123> coco if you could put all this on the forum :)
<Cocodude> Blimey!
<BigG> That can change to what they like, it's no longer a legal contract though...
<Cocodude> JF: Could you? :)
<UnholySmoke> Zeus, youre talking sense. im worried all this bitching is gonna come down on our heads
<Cocodude> <-- bit busy right now
<JF123> ok, will copy and paste in a mo
<Cocodude> JF: OK, that's great
<JF123> they basically have no disregard for the law, and contract
<Zeus> its not gona come down on our heads
<BigG> You should write a letter in the Boar about it
<Zeus> its just this constant bitching leads to nowhere
<JF123> how can you change the AUP midterm?
<JF123> well lets all go to westwood at some time and protest
<JF123> security cant remove us
<Cocodude> As long as it's peaceful
<Zeus> write an article, get it checked over multiple times and get sum1 from the boar to have an interview with the deputy guy... *tht* will lead somewhere
<JF123> which it would be
<Zeus> otherwise, it goes nowhere
<whyiseverynicktaken> i agree with zeus here
<BigG> If it gets into the Boar, something will /have/ to be done about it
<whyiseverynicktaken> its no use us bitching about it cos nothings gonna change
<Zeus> yes
<JF123> let me just copy all this, one sec

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:38 pm
by echelon
wow I like that not bad... I agree with Zeus as well.. definetly need an article in the Boar.. and maybe a referendum in the Union later... if it goes through that should force the union to support us as well.. just means more ppl working on the case..

Also sounds like ITS are definetly reading the forums.. I believe I can hear a few of my arguments being directly combated (not very well tho :P)..

JF123 quoting ITS wrote:they will change the AUP as and when they like!
I remember me and others pointing that problem out a lot of times on here.. and there are other small hints.. they definetly kno wat we're discussing and they're not happy as they kno we're right.. Its not acceptable.. the service sucks and instead of doing something bout the problem they seem to have gone into denial :P