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Post by astropoint »

Fun isn't it :lol:
[15:46:27] <VK> /rules
[15:47:08] <astropoint> it's -rules
[15:47:15] <VK> tnx
[15:47:16] <raspoutin> -rules
[15:47:20] <VK> -rules
[15:47:32] <astropoint> ooh, a lurker :P
[15:48:55] <VK> -commands
[15:49:12] <raspoutin> -commands
[15:49:43] <VK> -info <pornokio>
[15:50:08] <VK> -info pornokio
[15:50:44] <astropoint> umm
[15:50:51] <astropoint> you had a space there 2nd time ;)
[15:51:31] <raspoutin> -info<pornokio>
[15:51:39] <astropoint> oh dear
[15:52:02] <astropoint> -info astropoint
[15:52:02] <Dogtanian> Info on astropoint:
[15:52:06] <astropoint> like that ^^
[15:52:15] <VK> -info astropoint
[15:52:15] <astropoint> Blonde hair, blue eyes, 6 foot tall blue jumper wearing trekkie! (Also known to masquerade as a penguin)
[15:52:24] <astropoint> hmm
[15:52:29] <astropoint> forgot i'd added that
[15:52:33] <VK> -info pornokio
[15:52:39] <astropoint> that's it
[15:52:58] <VK> piece of cake
[15:53:07] <astropoint> exactly :P
[15:54:37] <raspoutin> -info pornokio
[15:54:48] <astropoint> ARGH!
[15:54:56] <astropoint> you had a space in front
[15:55:13] <raspoutin> I don't have a space infront
[15:55:23] <astropoint> so you;re saying it worked?
[15:55:26] <raspoutin> -info pornokio
[15:55:33] <astropoint> there we go
[15:55:33] <Fitzroy> -info raspoutin
[15:55:37] <raspoutin> thnx
[15:55:45] <VK> -info raspoutin
[15:55:54] <raspoutin> -info Fitzroy
[15:56:08] <VK> -info Fitzroy
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Post by astropoint »

OK, so some time ago I was trying to help this person search. Nothing was working. IP was correct, no firewalls or even antiviruses. Wasn't even working in passive mode and I have to admit I was stumped, so I had to just leave it, say stay in passive mode etc. So, with the background story set, I leave you.... (other bits of conversation edited out)
[2006-11-11 22:54:20] <doodie> astropoint?
[2006-11-11 22:54:29] <doodie> u alive?
[2006-11-11 22:54:34] <astropoint> no, she;s alive
[2006-11-11 22:54:36] <doodie> oh cool
[2006-11-11 22:54:37] <astropoint> i;m astropoint
[2006-11-11 22:54:37] <doodie> guess what
[2006-11-11 22:54:39] <astropoint> get it right
[2006-11-11 22:54:40] <doodie> i figured it out
[2006-11-11 22:54:41] <doodie> the problem
[2006-11-11 22:54:47] <astropoint> the problem....
[2006-11-11 22:54:50] <astropoint> what problem?
[2006-11-11 22:54:51] <doodie> oh sorry
[2006-11-11 22:54:53] <doodie> im saya
[2006-11-11 22:54:55] <doodie> remember
[2006-11-11 22:55:01] <doodie> the one who had probs loggin in
[2006-11-11 22:55:03] <Rammy> we need someone here called "dead"
[2006-11-11 22:55:08] <astropoint> not without being reminded.....
[2006-11-11 22:55:09] <doodie> or rather probs searching for stuff
[2006-11-11 22:55:23] <astropoint> right
[2006-11-11 22:55:25] <astropoint> so what was it?
[2006-11-11 22:55:28] <doodie> ahhaha
[2006-11-11 22:55:30] <Rammy> and then you can go "well they are either dead or alive" and you can say "no, they arnt"
[2006-11-11 22:55:30] <doodie> this is funny
[2006-11-11 22:55:42] <doodie> i was searching for documents
[2006-11-11 22:55:47] <doodie> instead of any files types
[2006-11-11 22:55:52] <astropoint> you are joking
[2006-11-11 22:55:53] <doodie> hahaha man im a lozer :P
[2006-11-11 22:55:57] <alive> it would be like neo and trinity
[2006-11-11 22:55:58] <doodie> no i aint!
[2006-11-11 22:55:59] <alive> but cooler
[2006-11-11 22:56:05] <astropoint> are you the one who i eventually had to tell to go into passive mode?
[2006-11-11 22:56:13] <doodie> yess
[2006-11-11 22:56:19] <doodie> and prove you wrong that passive mode doesnt even work
[2006-11-11 22:56:22] <doodie> and all that hassle
[2006-11-11 22:56:25] <astropoint> oh great god in heaven
[2006-11-11 22:56:25] <doodie> and checking the firewall
[2006-11-11 22:56:31] <doodie> and then the symantec virus scann
[2006-11-11 22:56:32] <doodie> and what not
[2006-11-11 22:56:40] <doodie> sorry :$
[2006-11-11 22:56:42] <astropoint> ...
[2006-11-11 22:56:44] <doodie> my appologizes
[2006-11-11 22:56:57] <astropoint> don't worry
[2006-11-11 22:57:00] <Rammy> doodie, you ever heard the phrase "some things are better off not said"
[2006-11-11 22:57:02] <astropoint> i am actually laughing
[2006-11-11 22:57:03] <Rammy> =p
[2006-11-11 22:57:11] <doodie> ahaha
[2006-11-11 22:57:13] <doodie> lol
[2006-11-11 22:57:16] <astropoint> fairly uncontrollably
[2006-11-11 22:57:20] <doodie> yeah i have...and what are you referring to now?
[2006-11-11 22:57:21] <alive> grr that was boring
[2006-11-11 22:57:37] <doodie> yeah i couldnt stop laughing myself
[2006-11-11 22:58:02] <doodie> oh least it works now
[2006-11-11 22:58:06] <doodie> anywyas...
[2006-11-11 22:58:08] <doodie> gotta run
[2006-11-11 22:58:10] <astropoint> good
[2006-11-11 22:58:12] <doodie> laterz
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Post by astropoint »

And then, if the night wasn't fun enough already......
[21:46:41] <henderz> astropoint
[21:47:00] <henderz> can i dl pro evo 6 off you
[21:47:05] <astropoint> yes
[21:47:07] <astropoint> feel free
[21:47:19] <henderz> i searched for pro evo you didnt come up
[21:47:29] <astropoint> so why did you ask whether you can downlaod it off me?
[21:47:40] <henderz> because my friend just got it off ou
[21:47:41] <henderz> you
[21:47:47] <astropoint> did he now
[21:47:52] <henderz> ?
[21:47:55] <astropoint> bloodyu clever friend you have :P
[21:48:04] <henderz> what you mean
[21:48:08] <yoinkster> more forum goodies :D
[21:48:09] <astropoint> as a) I am off cmapus and b) I'm not sharing it
[21:48:09] <Satan> -info henderz
[21:48:15] <Satan> god ur an idiot........
[21:48:21] <Satan> u all are
[21:48:23] <firstchoice> haha
[21:48:26] <henderz> right
[21:48:41] <astropoint> i suggest you get it off your friend
[21:48:45] <astropoint> whoever it is
[21:48:47] <Satan> go kill yourself now before you realise your stupidity
[21:48:49] <astropoint> +me suspects naz
[21:48:55] <henderz> ye
[21:49:04] <henderz> how do i get it off you
[21:49:09] <henderz> satan are you on naz's floor
[21:49:17] <astropoint> what?!
[21:49:18] <Satan> Satan is kicking henderz because: oh god...
[21:49:24] <firstchoice> -kick time to chlorinate twofo's gene pool
[21:49:25] <firstchoice> firstchoice is kicking time because: to chlorinate twofo's gene pool
[21:49:27] <yoinkster> bwahahahahaahahaha
[21:49:30] <firstchoice> grr
[21:49:33] <astropoint> err
[21:49:34] <henderz> dont kick me
[21:49:38] <astropoint> you missed the nick too
[21:49:42] <firstchoice> yes I know
[21:49:44] <astropoint> henderz - i am OFF CAMPUS
[21:49:47] <astropoint> you cannot connect
[21:49:50] <astropoint> and I AM NOT sharing it
[21:49:51] <henderz> ok m8
[21:49:59] <firstchoice> hope there wasn't someone called "time"
[21:49:59] <astropoint> how exactly do you expect to downlaod it off me?
[21:50:09] <Satan> seriously, castrate urself with a blunt rusty mallet
[21:50:32] <astropoint> downlaod it off your friend
[21:50:36] <henderz> ok
[21:50:42] <astropoint> get naz to come back online briefly
[21:50:45] <astropoint> and share the mdf file
[21:50:56] <henderz> how do you know him
[21:51:04] <astropoint> or for somebody online with it now
[21:51:07] <yoinkster> they had sex a few days ago
[21:51:13] <henderz> lol
[21:51:13] <astropoint> yep
[21:51:14] <Satan> whats ur university number?
[21:51:16] <astropoint> that's the one
[21:51:32] <Satan> im just going to stalk and castrate you
[21:51:34] <astropoint> we've known each other for years actually
[21:51:40] <Satan> i must save this earth from your genes
[21:51:40] <astropoint> lived across the street from him back home
[21:51:52] <astropoint> coincidence really that we ended up at warwick
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Post by astropoint »

Whilst talking about torrents and how they never seem to finish/download, whatever :P

[2006-11-28 19:36:41] <SlyReaper2> trouble is all the seeds only have 90% of the file
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Post by echelon »

astropoint wrote:Whilst talking about torrents and how they never seem to finish/download, whatever :P

[2006-11-28 19:36:41] <SlyReaper2> trouble is all the seeds only have 90% of the file
Oh god no.... this is getting too much... how? why? I can't believe I'm still amazed, but I really didn't think ppl could continue to impress me with their stupidity, our race really is doomed.
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Post by BigG »

Well, it's not exactly n00b but...

[02:38] <astropoint> -flipacoin Has Kar force Cocpdude into installing Gentoo?

Lol. That is all. :P
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Post by ZeeC »

Some of you may remember the InsideMan saga/long afternoon. As soon as I get my thumb out of my butt I'll post a copy of the forum.
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Post by astropoint »

[00:52:02] <astropoint> [2006-02-28 16:36] <BigG> btw you can change your password with !setpass <newpassword>
[00:52:07] <SuperAndy> setpass! HamiltonIAN582
[00:52:21] <SuperAndy> ok, it doesn't work
(Kat did suggest posting this here first, I just did it quicker than her :lol: )
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Post by echelon »

astropoint wrote:Well....
[00:52:02] <astropoint> [2006-02-28 16:36] <BigG> btw you can change your password with !setpass <newpassword>
[00:52:07] <SuperAndy> setpass! HamiltonIAN582
[00:52:21] <SuperAndy> ok, it doesn't work
(Kat did suggest posting this here first, I just did it quicker than her :lol: )
what an idiot!!! seriously that's gotta be the mother of all fuckups right there... wow that's just plain stupid... quite frankly it just ain't penguin! :P
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Post by Smelly_Kat »

(Kat did suggest posting this here first, I just did it quicker than her :lol:
Damn you astro :P
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Post by ZeeC »

How about a blast from the past? Sorry it's so long
[2006-05-16 14:06] <InsideMan> vaya pandilla
[2006-05-16 14:06] <astropoint> same to you
[2006-05-16 14:06] <InsideMan> I wasn't swearing u silly silly person
[2006-05-16 14:06] <astropoint> if you say so ;)
[2006-05-16 14:06] <ZeeClone> Go on ... something?
[2006-05-16 14:07] <ZeeClone> I know that vaya con dios is go with god or something like that
[2006-05-16 14:07] <ZeeClone> So what were you saying
[2006-05-16 14:07] <InsideMan> Simplemente queria ofrecer mi agradecimiento a todo el equipo de DC++
[2006-05-16 14:07] <InsideMan> Sois increibles y habeis hecho me vida mas feliz :-)
[2006-05-16 14:07] <astropoint> *PENGUINS!*
[2006-05-16 14:07] <ZeeClone> "Go gang"?
[2006-05-16 14:08] <ZeeClone> *BELLYDANCE!*
[2006-05-16 14:08] <ZeeClone> arseholes
[2006-05-16 14:08] <ZeeClone> -rules
[2006-05-16 14:08] <ZeeClone> Examine rule 2 I'd suggest to you InsideMan
[2006-05-16 14:08] <ZeeClone> Before zeus or yoink find you
[2006-05-16 14:08] <InsideMan> -rule
[2006-05-16 14:09] <InsideMan> I thought u told me to go on
[2006-05-16 14:09] <ZeeClone> No, I was asking for a translation
[2006-05-16 16:24] <InsideMan> Aver si aprendemos
[2006-05-16 16:25] <BigG> BigG is kicking InsideMan because: You were told earlier. English only
[2006-05-16 16:46] <InsideMan> English only ZeeClone?
[2006-05-16 16:46] <InsideMan> isn't that discrimination?
[2006-05-16 16:46] <BigG> Yes
[2006-05-16 16:46] <BigG> Your point is...
[2006-05-16 16:46] <ZeeClone> Yes, so as everyone can understand
[2006-05-16 16:47] <firstchoice> discrimination?
[2006-05-16 16:47] <InsideMan> My point is we live in a democracy
[2006-05-16 16:47] <firstchoice> we're in an English-speaking nation
[2006-05-16 16:47] <BigG> So
[2006-05-16 16:47] <ZeeClone> But twofo is a dictatorship
[2006-05-16 16:47] <InsideMan> hence we should be allowed to speak whatever we wish
[2006-05-16 16:47] <firstchoice> if we were in a French-speaking nation we'd be expected to communicate in French
[2006-05-16 16:47] <firstchoice> you can try
[2006-05-16 16:47] <firstchoice> but you'll be kicked
[2006-05-16 16:47] <ZeeClone> Quite a benevolent one by all standards
[2006-05-16 16:47] <firstchoice> and then banned for repeated offences
[2006-05-16 16:47] <ZeeClone> The only punishment is a kicking, not a shooting
[2006-05-16 16:48] <InsideMan> Your wish
[2006-05-16 16:48] <InsideMan> But remember
[2006-05-16 16:48] <InsideMan> One day it will come back to you
[2006-05-16 16:48] <ZeeClone> What, his doing french and german?
[2006-05-16 16:49] <Chris14791> lol
[2006-05-16 16:49] <ZeeClone> I'd hope so... he's got exams to sit
[2006-05-16 16:49] <InsideMan> His swearing at french people
[2006-05-16 16:49] <firstchoice> why, what language would you rather use?
[2006-05-16 16:49] <ZeeClone> Swahili is better for insulting people
[2006-05-16 16:49] <Chris14791> lmao!!!!
[2006-05-16 16:49] <Chris14791> shut up insideman
[2006-05-16 16:49] <firstchoice> Well, France would be great except for the French
[2006-05-16 16:49] <firstchoice> it would deal with all the looting, burning, and striking
[2006-05-16 16:49] <firstchoice> if they just weren't there
[2006-05-16 16:49] <InsideMan> What a bunch of muppets
[2006-05-16 16:49] <Chris14791> i concur
[2006-05-16 16:50] <Chris14791> *with firstchoice*
[2006-05-16 16:50] <firstchoice> they take one of the most romantic and poetic languages in the world
[2006-05-16 16:50] <firstchoice> and give it
[2006-05-16 16:50] <ZeeClone> InsideMan, be you being silly enough to group an OP with muppets?
[2006-05-16 16:50] <firstchoice> to the French
[2006-05-16 16:50] <Chris14791> :O say it ain't so ZeeClone....
[2006-05-16 16:50] <InsideMan> So you're going to kick me again now is it?
[2006-05-16 16:50] <Chris14791> lmao!! kick him again.....
[2006-05-16 16:51] <BigG> BigG is kicking InsideMan because: Looks that way
[2006-05-16 16:58] <ZeeClone> welcome back InsideMan_
[2006-05-16 16:59] <InsideMan_> Gracias ZeeClone
[2006-05-16 16:59] <ZeeClone> Now, you see the occasional word, that'll be let slide
[2006-05-16 16:59] <Zeus> grr
[2006-05-16 16:59] <ZeeClone> But maybe not by Zeus
[2006-05-16 16:59] <ZeeClone> Evening evilguard
[2006-05-16 17:00] <InsideMan_> I want to be an Op and kick all of you
[2006-05-16 17:00] <Zeus> Zeus is kicking InsideMan_ because: that was just an invitation to kick you
[2006-05-16 17:01] <ZeeClone> ROFL
[2006-05-16 17:01] <ZeeClone> That guy realy does need to learn to shut the hell up
[2006-05-16 17:01] <Zeus> who is he?
[2006-05-16 17:01] <InsideMan> Really
[2006-05-16 17:01] <astropoint> yes InsideMan :P
[2006-05-16 17:01] <Zeus> Zeus is kicking InsideMan because: yes really
[2006-05-16 17:01] <ZeeClone> LOLOL!!!
[2006-05-16 17:02] <ZeeClone> WOOHOO
[2006-05-16 17:02] <ZeeClone> I'd not noticed
[2006-05-16 17:02] <astropoint> yay
[2006-05-16 17:02] <astropoint> well done :D
[2006-05-16 17:02] <BigG> You can have your tie and badge next time I see you ;)
[2006-05-16 17:02] <Johnno> you put your porn back on?
[2006-05-16 17:02] <ZeeClone> Nope
[2006-05-16 17:02] <InsideMan__> That was harsh
[2006-05-16 17:02] <astropoint> i never got a tie and badge :(
[2006-05-16 17:02] <ZeeClone> The wolves screwed that for everyone
[2006-05-16 17:03] <ZeeClone> No InsideMan__ it was funny
[2006-05-16 17:03] <Zeus> Zeus is kicking InsideMan__ because: was it?
[2006-05-16 17:03] <ZeeClone> +me apologises to flatmates for the laughter
[2006-05-16 17:03] <InsideMan> Why are you guys getting so tense?
[2006-05-16 17:04] <ZeeClone> Cos your letting us whale on you
[2006-05-16 17:04] <ZeeClone> ANd it's hilarious
[2006-05-16 17:04] <ZeeClone> I've not laughed this much since whyis went to the states
[2006-05-16 17:04] <InsideMan> ZeeClone are you saying you're a whale?
[2006-05-16 17:05] <Zeus> Zeus is kicking InsideMan because: hello
[2006-05-16 17:06] <InsideMan> I see
[2006-05-16 17:06] <InsideMan> Halka Halka Sa Yeh Sama
[2006-05-16 17:07] <ZeeClone> Are you trying to get your ass banned InsideMan?
[2006-05-16 17:07] <Zeus> Zeus is kicking InsideMan because: toodleedoo
[2006-05-16 17:15] <V> My friend InsideMan wishes to come back
[2006-05-16 17:15] <V> what must he do?
[2006-05-16 17:27] <V> -rules
[2006-05-16 17:27] <ZeeClone> V please observe the second rule and remind your good friend to obey it
[2006-05-16 17:28] <V> Fascism is allowed, nay, encouraged?
[2006-05-16 17:28] <Zeus> yes
[2006-05-16 17:28] <Zeus> so he can suck penis, he was annoying and got banned
[2006-05-16 17:29] <V> I see
[2006-05-16 17:29] <ZeeClone> It was fucking funny though
[2006-05-16 17:29] <V> Thanks ZeeClone :-)
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Post by Rampage »

[22:22:15] <wdyynf> what does lol mean?
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Post by astropoint »

Because he really ought to know by now..
[22:47:29] <NakedDaro> /flipacoin sort thundercats into series

Post by Guest »

Becuase he should know better by now
[2006-12-07 20:03] <NakedDaro> TENG sucks
TENG sucks
TENG sucks
TENG sucks
TENG sucks
TENG sucks
TENG sucks
[2006-12-07 20:03] <NakedDaro> +me hides
[2006-12-07 20:03] <astropoint> beybye NakedDaro
[2006-12-07 20:03] <astropoint> was nice knowing you
[2006-12-07 20:03] <NakedDaro> hehe
[2006-12-07 20:03] <astropoint> +me leaves to eat
[2006-12-07 20:03] *** Connection closed
[2006-12-07 20:03] <yoinkster> You have been erased
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Post by astropoint »

Just in case anybody was confused, that was NakedDaro being a noob and not signing in before posting :wink:
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