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Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:48 pm
by cocodude
Yes, this was the reason. Thanks to the people who used the contact form on the main website - it's now up again. I really should upgrade the software and will do when I get a bit of time.


Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:13 pm
by BigG
Pffffff opendchub is as solid as a rock - I think that it must be your lack of Linux knowledge that is the problem ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:30 pm
by cocodude
Bah BigG :-p This'll be some dodgy CVS version I got because the previous stable didn't work for me!


Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:03 pm
by Smelly_Kat
Hey everyone!

Just to let you all know. I went to see someone high up in ITS today and (after lots of grovelling!) they said they're taking no formal action against me and I shouold have my internet connection back soon (I'm still sharing astro's connection with me lappy) - so I'm a happy bouncy Kat at the mo :D ! Gotta behave myself for a while tho as they will be monitoring so you won't see me on twofo for a bit. The kat will be back tho!!

So take it from me, setting up a campus hub is not a good plan (I know it really sucks! :cry: ) - ITS are very scary when they're angry!!

Hope to catch you all on dc soon!


Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:04 pm
by Smelly_Kat
hmmm...maybe I won't post in purple again even tho it is the best colour ever!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:24 pm
by lost&found
Smelly_Kat wrote:

So take it from me, setting up a campus hub is not a good plan (I know it really sucks! :cry: ) - ITS are very scary when they're angry!!
Hey Kat, was just wondering, what actually happened? How did they first contact you? What warnings did they give? Did they say they werent going to tolerate any more file sharing on campus at all? or that you were just using to much bandwidth? or that what you were doing was illegal? or what?

did they say anything about what would happen if someone tried it again?

Do you now understand why they are being such bitches about it???


Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:34 pm
by Smelly_Kat
Hey lost&found!

At about 1pm on monday my network access was cut warnings, no indication they were going to do anything they just cut me off completely!

After lots of wondering if they knew what I'd been up to or weather it was just someone doing a DoS attack on me etc I finally contacted them. I e-mailed them saying my network access had been cut off to which they responded the reason why it'd been cut off was a breach of the AUP.

So I went to see them this morning. They told me basically what I already knew ie. they were having bandwidth issues accross the network and they needed to cover their asses in case the MPAA or RIAA etc got to them. I can see it from their point of view cos really they're responsible for any illegal activity on the ResNet. However, from our point of view it sucks and I can't say I'm impressed by it! If nothing else its good for the chat.

They didn't specifically say what would happen to anyone else if they were to set up a campus hub but I really don't know if they'd go easy on them! Anyone who does can certainly expect disconnection without warning and maybe even fines. It'd be great if we could have a campus hub but it can't be set up on one computer, its too easy to trace....we really need something decentralised.

Hope this explains everything. Kat

PS. I got reconnected!!! Yipeeee!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:49 pm
by Detty
From what I can see of the AUP (ie the one which is easy to find) hosting a DC++ hub is not a violation. It may be against the spirit of the AUP but it's not the same thing.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:53 pm
by BigG
Yeah, hosting a hub is a bit vague, it's technically not against it, although I think because Kat was connected to it herself that would really not help things. ITS would also argue that it is engouraging illegal activity on the network

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:32 pm
by Smelly_Kat
I was tempted to argue that point to them when I went to see them earlier today, but I figured it'd be best to play it safe and grovell! I agree tho, the AUP is really vague and I think the only reason why having a hub would cause them issues is network bandwidth - but they'd gain internet bandwidth without us lot downloading the same stuff from the net (I was working on blocking external connections when they cut me off damn it!). Furthermore, they can't blame their crappy network performance on us it was performing badly before I started running a hub.'s so frustrating!!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:20 pm
by Detty
Once I got in trouble with ITS and I was called in for a meeting with some security manager person. I argued my case as well as I could, but he read out part of the AUP that I couldn't argue against, so I gave up in the end.

Then I got home and read the AUP again, the guy had actually changed the words of the AUP when he read them out, the actual AUP didn't cover what i'd done.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:20 pm
by Zizzi
Smelly - did they say why they were having bandwidth issues?

Three years ago - same internet, same number of people on campus and they never had these issues.

And the fact that internal traffic has been reduced - does this not mean that people will be getting files from outside - or trying to?

Honestly - I think it has everything to do with the fixed IP addresses - and maybe one or two people getting a job without the right skills in ITS (sorry those guys in ITS who know what they are doing).

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:02 am
by Ikkath
They have said that its down to "viruses" but have not disclosed any names so I guess they are assuming any extra traffic is coming from such a source.

I too am betting all if not most of my money on the way the 'external' ip's are being handled that or ITS (or their contractor or whoever) thought they could save some cash this year and paid for less bandwidth - hoping that with the crackdown on P2P applications they could get the usage within the new limit.

Who knows? I dont - I just want internet like it was the last time I was on campus ~2002 (before all the fancy external facing ip's)!

Oh yeah : There is no real point in arguing with any AUP or similar as they are almost always designed so that the terms can be modified at any time - if you disagree with the modifications all you can do is choose not to use the service... :(

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:21 am
by Smelly_Kat
No Zizzi, they didn't tell me why they were having bandwidth issues; and yes, the network perfomance was never this poor in my first year (03-04). Also, what's with them bumping us down from a 10Mbit internet connection to a 4Mbit one ?? Surely, they've gotta expect external bandwiidth issues if they do that to us! As for the network....the public ip's could have alot to do with it - not that ITS will want to admit that!

It's about time ITS realised that whatever they do ppl will still download (or try to). Apparently they're working on the network today so maybe they'll be an improvement soon - hopefully!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:24 pm
by astropoint
Just in case anybody was wondering...the penguin is still offline :wink: